Can my DBS certificate be printed and issued in Welsh?
No. Part V of the Police Act 1997 requires DBS to reproduce data as it is recorded in central records and because this information is stored on those central records, such as the Police National Computer, in English, we can only replicate that information in that same form.
DBS publishes our Welsh Language Scheme on our website and details the services we provide to those who wish to conduct business with us in Welsh. This can be found on the Welsh language scheme GOV.UK Page.
The Welsh Language Scheme states: Under Part V of the Police Act 1997, DBS is required to disclose criminal records and other government information, as it is recorded in central records. Because this information is recorded in English only, DBS certificates will be issued only in English.
DBS does not have the authority to translate information and has identified an inherent risk to the integrity and accuracy of the DBS checking service should information on certificates be translated. In addition, where information is to be disputed, there would be additional need to revert to English for consideration with the original information.
DBS publishes our Welsh Language Scheme on our website and details the services we provide to those who wish to conduct business with us in Welsh. This can be found on the Welsh language scheme GOV.UK Page.
The Welsh Language Scheme states: Under Part V of the Police Act 1997, DBS is required to disclose criminal records and other government information, as it is recorded in central records. Because this information is recorded in English only, DBS certificates will be issued only in English.
DBS does not have the authority to translate information and has identified an inherent risk to the integrity and accuracy of the DBS checking service should information on certificates be translated. In addition, where information is to be disputed, there would be additional need to revert to English for consideration with the original information.